
Access Our Service

Please complete and submit the online referral form to access any of our services.

The Alliance does not provide support with personal care, dressing, bathing or administration of medication, cooking or cleaning. The Alliance is not a Mental health team, or professional mental health workers. if you require further support please see our Crisis and Mental Health Intervention page.

We will be in touch with you as soon as we can once you have completed and submitted our online web form.

*If you are an agency (eg. GP, Social Prescriber, Talking Changes, etc.) please DO NOT fill in this form. If you are filling in on behalf of a service user please fill in an Agency Form.

We will be in touch with you as soon as we can once you have completed and submitted our online web form.

Need a chat? Call us on 0300 304 5527

Durham Mental Wellbeing Alliance is a free service for clients to access that provides mental health, wellbeing and recovery services to those needing support.